Sep 11Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

I read your article this AM, obviously after the debate. I am not sure if it was a single or 4 balls for a walk for Trump…not much more. Here is my response on a different substack newsletter: “It is frustrating that Trump took almost every baited trap and fought the slight instead of talking policy. Trump should have started every response with “Kamala you have had 3 1/2 years to address this why haven’t” and then went into his policy and record. Maybe, if there is a 2nd debate, he will stick to policy not become easily offended. That said, how does one fact check the opponent and at the same time state policy. It is obvious that the moderators were not fair and balanced in moderation of questions asked, tone, fact checking Trump not Kamala and holding Kamala to actually answering the point of the question. ABC allowed Kamala to lie about “fine people on both sides”, “J6 officer deaths”, “bloodbath” and “dictator” while pushing back on Trump about Haitians overwhelming a Springfield and eating pets and post birth abortions. Fact checks will show Trump is correct but much too late for the rest of the nation to know.”

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As Todd Starnes said yesterday , Trump was set up. The debate was 3 against one. Trump seemed under prepared. The points you made are so simple that I'm not sure you need a staff of debate preppers to tell him that. He got derailed early and often. Some times, because he wanted to address every thing said, he would lose his train of thought. The moderators were awful. Harris was too prepared. Her responses sounded scripted as did her hand movements and facial expressions. She repeated lines from campaign commercials. What does she really believe? I implied in my essay that she knew what the questions would be. IMO her answers to the questions asked confirm that. We saw a puppet standing before us. Who's really pulling her strings? I heard rumors of another debate in October. Is that true?

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Sep 11Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Fox reported last night after the debate that Harris staffers had indicated a 2nd debate. And on X this is trending…could this be true. I hate conspiracy theories but so many have proven to be true over the years. https://x.com/realalexjones/status/1833721112502354374?s=61&t=oOFiDbBK7nTP5WmsbZwzWw

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Yeah, I'm going to pass on the earpiece... for now.

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