Without mentioning Trump, tell me why you are voting for Harris?
Now the really work starts for Harris. She’ll probably visit key states and pump more sunshine up the asses of democrat voters. Can that really last and be effective until November 5?
I recorded a podcast in March 2023, correctly predicting Biden would not be the nominee for the Democrat party. I wrongly stated Kamala Harris had no chance of replacing him. The 2024 political season has been a serious ride on a rollercoaster, minus the love.
So here we are with the Ho but no Joe. Okay that’s not nice but I saw it on a bummer sticker and it sorta works here.
Trump v Harris.
The polls show this contest is super close with Harris sporting a 2.6% lead over Trump. How can Harris be polling better than Trump when she has shared nothing concerning getting this country on the right track. During an interview on the “View” before being picked, by an unknown group, as the presumptive democrat nominee, Harris said it was hard to point out the success of this administration. This is probably the reason why she has not really shared any concrete policy initiatives. I imagine for a few more weeks she’ll continue to ride the wave of being a woman and a POC. Those are 2 great reasons to vote for someone to lead this great nation.
I did not watch any of the four day DNC love fest, but it’s impossible not to find out what went on each night. Most of the clips of speeches I saw, even that of Harris, shared something you need to answer before you “vote blue no matter who”.
Harris needs to share why you should vote for her and you need to share why you plan to vote for Harris, without directly or indirectly mentioning Donald J. Trump.
The majority of the people who spoke at the DNC love fest, directly or indirectly mentioned Donald Trump. His name was mentioned close to 140 times during this mostly peaceful DNC love fest. They spoke about him wanting to rule the country and how he’s only in this race to line his pockets and the pockets of Wall Street executive. He’s bad for democracy, he’s a racist and he’s against a woman’s right to kill her baby when she wants to.
As aside note, on the local news this morning, a man is going to prison for a long time for killing a woman and killing her unborn child. If the woman had been the one to kill her unborn child at an abortion clinic, that would be fine.
Make it make sense please.
I reflected on the DNC love fest and I came to the conclusion that maybe this isn’t the time to share a concrete vision for the country. This is a love fest where the speakers are supposed to get the base excited about the candidate no one voted for. It’s about getting the democrat foot soldiers so excited about the candidate that they will run through a brick wall to get her elected. The manipulation media is so excited that Kamala’s numbers are up and that she is currently leading Trump in many polls. Everyone is excited because instead of Old Joe they have a vibrant younger candidate.
Now the really work starts for Harris. She’ll probably visit key states and pump more sunshine up their asses. Can that really last and be effective until November 5?
At some point she has to tell us what her policies will look like. She’ll have to come to the realization that it was, and still is, the Biden/Harris administration bending us over and taking advantage of us at every turn. At some point she’s going to have to answer for Biden/Harris policies that have given us high gas/food and housing prices, wars and rumors of war, inflation, her flip-flopping on defunding the police, nightly shootings in Chicago, home to Obama and Oprah , why there were fences and security checkpoints at the convention but our southern border is wide open.
Harris, just like you, the blue voter, is going to have to explain to, we the people, why you are voting for her without mentioning Trump. If the best you can come up with is she’s a minority and a woman, then you shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Based on polling from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ, August 23, 2024
– Voters nationally give Vice President and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris an edge over former President Donald Trump in November’s election by a seven-point margin (50 to 43), but race and gender remains central to the vote. When voters are made to think about the race or gender of the candidates, Harris’ lead grows substantially; when they’re not, support is essentially tied. Harris is also helped by strong support among the slightly less than half of men who reject traditionally masculine identities. Trump’s strongest support is among men who hold traditionally masculine identities, while women and other men strongly favor Harris.
Interesting information; specifically the men who reject traditional masculine identities. Did they survey women who reject traditional female identities? It seems the only men who matter are the ones who want to be feminine.
This essay could have been really short because I just want you Harris supporters to tell me why you will be voting for Kamala Harris WITHOUT mention Donald J. Trump.
Get ready to ride the Harris rollercoaster.
The most neglected problem facing the USA is the debt of $35,000,000,000,000! And I write out all the zeros to emphasize the staggering magnitude of that amount of money. And it is growing by about $1T every 3-4 months. Harris will only grow the debt faster than Biden. Unfortunately, IMO so will Trump. Politicians love to spend our money.
Cecil IL, did you work a BOHICA reference into your essay? 🤣