Interesting. I recently wanted to purchase a gift card at my local CVS. I was asked to produce my drivers license before I could complete my purchase. My license was scanned in. When I asked ‘why’ my drivers license was necessary to purchase a Visa gift card - I was told it was to ‘protect’ me against scammers. I was also asked to respond to several questions on the screen. One asked if anyone was pressuring me to buy the gift card - and how many gift cards I purchased recently - Etc, etc. Additionally - when I adopted a dog at a local shelter years ago - I was asked to provide ID and also several references to ensure I would be a good pet owner. All before I could take my new pet home. However - requiring ID for the privilege of voting in the United States of America (for legal citizens only) is somehow - considered racist. This agenda has been pushed by the left for a long time. The privilege of voting in the USA needs to have an ID based system just like other countries enforce. This helps to ensure our nations legal & legitimate voter rights - not remove them. Identifying legal voters (ie citizens) also adds to the credibility of fair elections & outcome. Thank you, Cecil for educating people of all colors and cultures. Let’s all start thinking for ourselves - not the way the government powers-that-be want to mold us. Be free thinkers - not controlled by agenda based propaganda politics.

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"Let’s all start thinking for ourselves - not the way the government powers-that-be want to mold us. Be free thinkers - not controlled by agenda based propaganda politics."

Perfectly stated. Thank you.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

The fact that in 2024 we are still debating whether you need to be a US citizen to vote and need to produce an ID card boggles my mind. If the assertion that there are thousands or millions of citizens who have no picture ID is true, then how do these people survive in the world? Picture IDs are required for everything. As for not having a driver's license because it got suspended, well that is the price you pay for not doing the right thing.

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Sep 21Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

I grew up in NY. Go to Harlem, ask anyone there if they have ID. Of course they do. Lack of ID is, in my view, an economic more than racial thing. Go to poor rural white towns in Appalachia and ask around. Probably plenty of people without ID. I also might suggest that if you can’t figure out how to get a valid ID, maybe you shouldn’t be voting anyway…

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"I do not believe requiring a proper form of ID is an effort to suppress the vote of any group of people. Showing up to vote not knowing what form of ID is required tells me a great deal about you as a voter. If you were not able to vote in the 2022 election, you have had 2 years to get those issues resolved."

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