Good read, I always wondered why every other race can vote for other parties, but the black community demands of itself to vote democrat? When as you state, it was republicans largely the friend to black folks early on. With the exception of Latinos, who also tend to vote democrat at high rate, it’s not necessarily expected of them, as with the black community. It’s as close to a monolith voting bloc as I’ve ever seen.

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Gosh, Cecil, I loved this. It left me scratching my head. When people, organizations and politicos stop looking at Blacks for what they are instead of who they are to fit an agenda, then and only then will things get better. It’s a sad commentary when an organization like the NAACP loses their meaning, objective and focus on improving the lives of their members instead of using them as pawns.

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You are exactly right Cecil! I have been wondering this for a long time and it simply bothered me and scared me at the same time. What I mean is it "scared" me in the sense that I am a black "Republican" and since most of my race identifies with the Democratic Party, does that mean I will never get any support from African Americans because I don't vote the same? I am bothered, because I can't find anything that would "motivate" me or "drive" me to "want" to be a part of the Democratic Party, when I don't see anything truly positive or even revolutionary that would keep my loyalty. All I see is a lot of lying, conniving, underground fundraising, self-indulgence, and no care for the people they are "relying" on voting for them. Instead, they motivate through "handouts", promises that are never kept, all while they are filling their pockets so when they retire, they are high $Multi-millionaires, or even $billionaires, and the people who they rely on as voters, are still trying to pay for their bills, food, healthcare, etc. living paycheck to paycheck, because they have no "extra" money to save and invest for their future. I am not talking about the educated minority who in a lot of cases, does not vote a certain way because their friends or family do (i.e. Peer Pressure), they vote based on how the politics will affect their specific needs; family, career, or business. It is where as Cecil pointed out, the Civil Rights organizations apply pressure on black people to "vote black" or you are really not black or you "don't care" about black people. They should be as Cecil also pointed out, be proactive and motivate black people to have choices, create choices, don't rely on the government "cheese", and elevate yourself based on "merit". These are the principles that help you build a community, or rather should I say a "Black Community" that is powerful, stands on its own two feet, has representation in all facets of life, including large corporations, government, healthcare, legal, and the military. A community that has many role models that are NOT just athletes. These are the things that should be done so the "Black Community" can demand its politicians it supports to do what they say or they will no longer get their support.

I look forward to reading Wayne Perryman’s book “Unfounded Loyalty" and I hope sooner or later, WE will wake up and not be like a bunch of sheep being led "blindly" over the cliff by the "herdsman" they support.

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Well said Tony. Thanks for your support.

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Great article Cecil. I’ve believed for many years that the most racist hate crime being committed in the US is the total absence of effective educational systems in the inner city. And the fact is that inner city parents continue to vote for a party that does nothing to solve this problem. A poor education will lead to low income and promote welfare dependence, drug use, homelessness, and crime. Politicians of both parties use social problems to raise money; solving those problems would shut down those cash flows.

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Sadly , the community listens to everything they are told by their "black" leaders. The supt. of schools in Chicago recently said conservatives don't want black children to learn to read. She said this with a straight face. Meanwhile her kids go to private schools. When slave owners really didn't want blacks to learn to read, they taught themselves how to read anyway. What's holding them back now?

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The GOP, NAACP, DNC, RNC, CBC, & so on & so forth are all the same Uniparty, with the exception of a few independently minded individuals on both sides of the aisle. While I will vote GOP, it is certainly not blindly, it because the few voices that seem to have any shred of concern for their constituents run on the RNCs ticket.

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I agree. In this upcoming debate I wish Kennedy was going to be on the stage. Not because I plan to vote for him, but because we the people should be allowed to hear what he has to say and make our own decision about who he is.

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Great article. The lack of leadership at NAACP creates a vacuum, that’s filled by the likes of BLM, which care less about advancement for black Americans (and strengthening the nuclear black family, which they view as a vestige of white supremacy), and more about left wing, progressive and anti-capitalist objectives.

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Jun 21Edited

I continue to be baffled why Black Americans continue to support Democrats at the scale they do. After 60 years of the welfare state, are they simply addicted to government money? It's a fact the welfare state incentivized single mothers and Black fathers abandoned their roles en masse. It just can't be denied. Joe Biden's 1994 Crime Bill was devastating to Black men. And yet they return time and again to the Democrats. There are dozens of examples like this. Nothing has gotten better under Democrats. Nothing. Zero.

And now the Democrats have moved onto illegal aliens. With Black Americans making up only 13% of the population, Democrats get a bigger bang from Latinos.

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Cecil what’s has GOP done for us lately?

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Great question. Perhaps you should write an essay about that. My essay was about why are blacks loyal to the NAACP and CBC when they have done nothing for black Americans for decades. Although both organizations are dominated by democrats this essay is not about party, it's about these 2 specific organizations. It's similar to the one I wrote asking how relevant the black church is to black Americans. Instead of looking for outside help from either party what are black people doing to improve their positions individually and as communities. Why can't the CBC/NAACP be made up of blacks from both parties? Where are the new fresh ideas that I lay out in my essay? Where is the young, diverse leadership?

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