Aug 30Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

How absurd!

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Aug 30Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

First-rate article Mr. Grant.

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Aug 30Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Calling the Boy Wonder is not racist….its mysogenic 🙄🙄🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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Sep 1Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Evil. Pure, unadulterated evil.

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How are any of these ludicrous ‘social justice’ moves - changing the world for the better? Please explain this to me or give me some legitimate examples. Does making Batman & Robin lovers - provide safe housing for people that need it? How does this put food on the table for the poor? How does it Educate children so they can read & write & do math at reasonably proficient levels? Provide much needed healthcare to those without? Help people get jobs or better jobs so they can adequately care for their families? Does sexualizing Batman & Robin characters do ANYTHING for real ‘social justice’? Once again - sex and/or sexual preferences have to be inserted into absolutely everything. Who or what is promoting this sick movement? Stop fixing things that aren’t broken. These ridiculous changes have absolutely no real meaning to anyone or society in general. Start thinking for yourself & do not just follow the crowd - as my parents used to say to me as a child. Leave Batman alone. Keep sex in the bedroom. No one really cares about your ’preferences’. Be who you are -and do your thing - it’s still a free country. But don’t expect everyone else to want to know about it. Call your mommy if you need constant reassurance on that. You really aren’t that important to the rest of us.

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You know there were gaps in test scores between African-Americans children as the rest (the Asian children are especially terrible for not appropriately behaving like victims) in San Francisco, so instead of trying to offer more help to poorly performing students, they stopped offering advanced math classes. Apparently the best option is to lower the test scores of the highest performing students. These are the same people who wonder why there are fewer African-American engineers, programmers and quant analysts.

Of course, the people who make such decisions have their children in private school, so they do not care about the cost of their actions. I am in Chicago, and this city had excellent schools for the best and the brightest years ago, with a uniform test so anyone would test in by studying hard.

Well, shockingly, Asian students were "abusing" the system by studying too hard, thus they were over-represented. Early efforts to placate Progressives (which is now more or less analogous to "fascists") by setting aside slots to certain neighborhoods only gave them the smell of blood in the water. Now these schools are at risk of becoming like terrible neighborhood schools. It offends them to offer children the opportunity to attend a safe school free of bullies and gang-bangers. They want to force everyone into an "inclusive" prison environment.

The point is never to help anyone. The point is to break social norms and ruin life for everyone else. Remember, the people pushing these policies never suffer the consequences of their actions. These people live in luxury housing, send their children to private school, and they can pay their way out of any of the situation that applies to the "deplorable" working class people they despise.

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Well, it’s been many years since I’ve read comic books. Guess I won’t be anytime soon! More concerning, when will this migrate to Hollywood?

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Aug 30Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Now the more intelligent children read Japanese comics. They are superior. Furthermore, the rot spread to Hollywood years ago. Check out Disney's share price.

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I don't want to steal Cecil's thunder and wise/smart comments....here are some more from comments I have shared with friends but I always repost them for others since no one seems to know the dark side of the current social justice stuff....

....which is very different than originally intended...the original conception is by the Catholic Priest Luigi Taparelli in response to the Communist Manifesto during the Socialist Revolutions of 1848, is deeply religious and forms the bases of Catholic Social Teaching and the Pro-life movement and is a term many of us on the Christian side wanting to take back from the atheist/leftist cultural appropriation of the term.


Perhaps the other one that interestingly celebrated under the social justice umbrella in the arts is Chuck Holmes



There is a long list of leftists in the arts- that is not new...it was and still is considered avant-garde- and they hide under the guise of liberalism...although you have to distinguish between social and economic leftists and it is not clean because they often overlap in some perspectives that I would be for and embed themselves within them...for example, in the civil rights movement (of which I always remind people the Republican President Eisenhower in many way actually was the one that initiated the modern civil rights movement with the integration of the military and passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957)


Hard to call Eisenhower a Marxist because he was for civil rights and public institutions- but if this stuff is what drives advocacy for public services and use of taxes including the military- who is going to be for it? Public schools are likely going to be gutted do to people fleeing to charters and privates...no one is going to want to put their kid in an elementary school classroom with a curriculum that can't distinguish boys from girls and men from women. Military enrollment is down and reason is attributed to this ideology being spread in the armed forces.

And then the reason and rationale for what they are for is so very different...and once you look behind the curtain...can't help but think WTF?

I will also never be able to watch the Walton's again after reading this on Will Greer and Harry Hay as communist lovers...no wonder Reagan left being president of the screen actors guild as a democrat and became a Republican. There really is nothing this current group of dems will say no to and legitimize on the social-cultural front. Really don't know what to do with it all...


And I always recommend- suck it up and leftist websites...and see what they say...and take them at their word.


Some like the Jacobin are more high brow and class based and make some points that I would agree with...and is likely more in line with Ohio trade unionism and JD Vance's views as laid out in Hillbilly Elegy than the current democratic party- there is a reason the Teamsters union took a pass on Harris. Hard to get a truck driver, electrician, welder, or pipe fitter (what used to be the dems base) busting it 60-80 hours a week to vote for someone who wants kids to question their gender and change their gender...or genders as the case may be...



Was a history teacher....so long posts...

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The People's world is always a good source:


People need to read the leftest outlets and see what they are pushing...we even have a revived socialist and communist part who were able to get some people elected unthinkably for Texas at the local level in Houston and Austin.


I don't want to go the Joe McCarthy route, he was in it for himself...but...he wasn't always wrong on some things...doubt the post would publish this now but it rings true:


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It is part of the normalization process of becoming a post-gender society. It started with gay marriage that I had mixed feelings about but came around to on libertarian grounds...but if there is something about this current progressive wing (and hate to use the word because they don't seem very progressive) and Trump they both have in common...neither knows when to stop.

I was reading through your olds posts about the trans issues...and now we have "gender affirming care"...yes, it makes sense for a small proportion perhaps...I felt bad actually for the Olympic boxer once I understood the DNA issue. She is part of a small group (less than perhaps .005% that are born with their testicles inward and outward feminine- some people and parents don't even know it.

That isn't what anyone is really talking about- it is the overt sexualization as well as normalization of children, many prepubescent, many who have neglected and abused backgrounds and looking for an in group or alienated in some way, or have a mental health disorder, or looking for a world view to organize their lives and these various new left/neo-marxist/postmodern ideologies are is promoted to them.

That isn't the issue....or that there should be some sort of compassionate last ditch approach for suicidal ideation for those with gender dysphoria that didn’t correct (of which 80% do post adolescence)- it has been rolled out as a DEI population based public policIy.

I don’t think many know about the scandal of the Travistock Clinic in the UK which was recently shut down (you can google)- something surprisingly few people know about in US still- I think 45% of the youth were identified as having autism or some point of co-morbid disorder.



But served as part of the basis for the book irreversible damage- which I haven’t read yet.


It also doesn't help the whole movement has a very dark underside ranging from Harry Hay who is considered an icon-


to Michel Foucault and the French Postmoderns whose groundwork laid the bases for much of the ideology behind BLM and Gender and all the other activists rests:


Much of what we see now is the fruition of the various gender movements including pedophilia championed by the Green Party in Europe- for example- take a look (you can google...Henry Helmer and his experiments).


You even have places like Duke- where a professor with a divinity degree in women studies is writing about Bestiality:


I know Jesus loves animals too...but...how do you reconcile writing about transformative Christian Ethnics and Bestiality? Duke at least used to be a Methodist University.


Something is terribly wrong...all the indicators are there...and it won't end well unless people speak out...sorry for the long note...

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Making art mirror their reality?

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