In this episode I discuss our education system and teachers unions with author and entrepreneur, Jim Fini. The single question could be, do students, parents and teachers benefit from having teachers unions or are these unions self serving, only providing benefits for the union and it supporters. This episode should inspire you to become involved in our education system, for the sake of your children or your grandchildren. It’s time to wake up!
Changing the Narrative with Cecil Grant Jr.
We hope to shed light on a variety of topics with a new lens with deeper analysis and pointed questions that cause you to think about things differently. We’re not here to change your mind we want you to think for yourself. Enjoy the journey.
We hope to shed light on a variety of topics with a new lens with deeper analysis and pointed questions that cause you to think about things differently. We’re not here to change your mind we want you to think for yourself. Enjoy the journey.
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