Sep 13Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

His mindset is quite scary... completely devoid of reality. Apparently white is actually black (note: not a reference to skin color).

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Sep 13Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Bill might be a nice individual but he actually suspends reality to position himself to criticize. I read his piece and it’s an emotional essay with no substance. Here are some objective realities, 12 of last 16 years the country has had a Democrat president. In 2019 (3 years no Democrat) prior to Covid we had higher household purchasing power parity than we had experienced in over 30 years, real GDP wage growth across all races and genders, and we had a 4 year stretch where hadn’t entered or been involved in a new foreign occupation or war. I’m sorry Bill I vote this way because my priority is to Liberty and my family. That is my job as a father, husband, and citizen, if you call that hate then so be it.

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Preach my friend, preach!

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Sep 18Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Bill is a snowflake libtard, and if I was his customer previously I wouldn't be now. You are right Cecil, if you replace republican with democrat it makes more sense.

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Sep 13Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Omg Cecil. How you’re on the $$$$ here. I couldn’t really figure out exactly what Mr (blind) Bill wanted. Every point he so-called made was demonizing everyone and everything. I got the impression he was going to vote for Hillary! I thought maybe he was headed in the right direction saying the Republicans have lost their direction with that of Romney, Cheney and Kinzinger for example. But in the end, I conclude, again, he doesn’t know what he wants or worse what the hell he is saying. I guess you’re correct. Mr Bill is just another blind, clueless Democrat robot follower without an informed independent thought.

Thank you for once again seeing the light.

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Thank you sir.

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Sep 13Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Very well expresses the state of politics today. I especially liked your list of the things you believe in that make you a Republican. I wish Trump had stuck to those themes during the debate with Harris. He is an imperfect messenger, and it’s too easy for those values to get lost in the chaff of his personality and loose relationship with the truth. It enables posts like Bill’s. But the fact is Trump won a contested primary for the nomination, and Harris did not. And tho he is not my preferred candidate, he is far preferable to Harris and the people she is likely to bring in with her. I can’t help but imagine how a Haley-Shapiro, or Haley-Kelly, debate would have contrasted with what we saw on Tuesday. I very much agree with your thoughts here, but there is room for improvement in our party for sure.

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I feel the same as you do. Our party is in disarray. As Trump was during the debate, we seem to always be on defense and playing from behind. As a guy on the internet, if I know the day before the debate that Trump needs to stick to the issues and not get caught up in the backwash, then his prep team should have made sure he understood that. Trump was not my preferred candidate either but I can't support another 4 years of Obama/Harris/Biden/Soros and whom ever else is running this country off the cliff.

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Stay strong...and don't listen to the haters...they have no room to talk...

Somewhat related, a piece I was reading linked me to Cynthia McKinney's X feed- I remember her when I lived in Georgia (Go Dawgs!) and maybe others do as well...she ran in the Green Party...she was in the news just about every day- she presaged the “squad" ...holy cow- you have it all in one place- pro-environmentalism, social justice, antisemitism, Jewish 9/11 conspiracy theory, white supremacy, anti-racism, pro-racism....she is even an professor now at a small college in Georgia- but she made a big splash a decade or so ago.

The post with the White Nationalist David Duke and the Black Nationalist Ayo Kimathi is an interesting one: "Can Black and White People Work Together to Defeat Our Common Enemy?" The Jews….Funny Kimathi got his start working at the Department of Homeland Security...




I shouldn't have looked at her homepage for fun- but of course- she did her dissertation on Hugo Chavez- I had thought at first Cesar Chavez- the farm worker unionist. But no- she likes Hugo- the Venezuelan dictator who ran the country into the ground. The sad thing is- you have no idea (or perhaps you do) how many people will listen to her- an African American woman with a Ph.D who served six terms in the US House of Representatives and ran for President has a lot of weight that is almost impossible to push back on no matter how extreme.


Nutty stuff out there...really don't know what to do with it.

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