Aug 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

I don't understand why the IOC does not follow the International Boxing Association's (IBA rules. The IBA would have a much greater understanding of boxing than the IOC would.

I saw that the referees for the Women's Soccer games were wearing the "FIFA" logo on their shirts which is the International Federation of the Football Association. Why would the IOC look to FIFA to supplies referees but not look to the IBA for similar expertise? Makes no sense at all.

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Aug 3Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Thanks for another great article, Cecil. The very simple logical answer to this question (which should not even be a question) is that people with XX chromosomes only play against other people with XX chromosomes. Same for XY chromosomes. No exceptions. Too bad our politicians can’t seem to grasp this concept. Why do we have an intelligent justice of the supreme court who refused to define what a woman is. Shameful.

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Thank you. Apparently they've figured out that Harris is a woman.... go figure.

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Aug 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Well put Cecil. This should be a simple discussion. However, individuals and groups (in his case the IOC) so want to virtue signal that they go out of their way to defend it. Interesting that the International Boxing Association banned this boxer at the World Championships for too high levels of testosterone and then got criticized by the IOC.

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Everyone will be okay with this until someone dies or is turned into a vegetable...

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Aug 3Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

What a great essay and perspective. Women are speaking out but many of us it goes deeper especially for us that have experienced violence at the hands of men. What I watch felt like a rerun of my own domestic violence in my 20s. My ex was a boxer but he was very short 5,4” and fit but a featherweight. Im 5’9” and was into weight lifting and dance and so on pure appearance it looked like we were matched. Thats was until the day in 2 punches he dislocated my jaw and broke my ribs. 20+ years later I am still suffering from that experience with a jawbone that never healed right and other problems with my diaphragm. Also the terror of being punched by someone who you know has the ability to kill you with their fists. It’s a trauma that words aren’t enough to describe.

Any woman dealing with a DSD biological male can face a similar fate. They can end up dead. That punch is on average 160% more powerful. We all need to let that sync in. That Italian and Mexican women aren’t exaggerating when they say they dont understand what hit them. Because male punches are more the women can ever fathom until it happens.

I truly pray this is the lynchpin that changes the current trajectory of males in female sports. Contact sports especially.

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Your insight is greatly appreciated. Many people are just focused on the sex and was this person XX or XY or too much testosterone. The optic present something you actually dealt with and that's what's not good. Ironically, it's probably men in charge saying this is okay. For people who care and for women who have dealt this type of violence this is not okay. Again thank you for your insight and I pray protection over you, your life and your mind.

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Aug 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Great read as usual man! You make sense.

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Thank you Eric.

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Aug 2Liked by Cecil A. Grant Jr

Here is a cut and paste of a response I posted to another publication on the same topic. “Where are all the women movements; NOW, Me Too? Where are all the Hollywood celebrities that came out of the woodwork for Me Too and NOW? These non-present movements and women need to be called out. The rest of the women of the world need to take this up much like MADD did!”

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Russ here. Amen Cecil. You got a man pretending to be a woman, beating up women under the auspices of international boxing. As my dad used to say, “that boy ain’t right.”

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